Boy, how fast a year can fly by!! I thought twin baby planners would really be a challenge; but it wasn't any harder than having one to photograph. They are such great boys and the parents are wonderful to work with, too! Can you believe they are a year old already!!
Warning: No fish were harmed in the making of this image! But boy, did they have fun playing in the water!!
They look so different, but are equally cute!! I've enjoyed watching their first year - it DOES go by fast!
Baby Blues Photography is located in West Monroe, LA. Maternity, Newborn, Baby and Child Photography
All images and content on this blog and my web site are property of Baby Blues Photography and are copyright protected by United States law. Please do not download or save images as it is illegal to copy these images in any form and is punishable by law with fines starting at $150,000.
They look so different, but are equally cute!! I've enjoyed watching their first year - it DOES go by fast!
OH my goodness! Love these images! What little dolls!
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